Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love me; Love me not.........

It so happens that when you are chasing something, it eludes you and when you are indifferent it comes back to tease you. Such is love and its ways. To me, it all began with seventy mm and its make-believe heroes who knew nothing else but love; infact it pretty much helped me discover love and then the cupid struck quite often. Although none of the infatuations and imaginations lead to passionate love affair, the desire grew stronger as I matured.

After getting over many a infatuation and heartbreaks, I bid adieu to cupid strengthening my stance towards such disillusionments. And now, it seems love is back in life, knocking every now and then. An acquaintance by the way of profession, whom I've never seen and have only heard, confesses his love over the phone; a decade ol' flame is all bright for then he never thought I was worthy of his attention; and a fb friend who shares a li'l stuff of what I'm made of(imagination and creativity) asks for a date. What is wrong with all? Has this ugly duckling changed into a beautiful swan or it this a conspiracy of that clown?

Let love weave its magic this time and not be a sole imagination of mine till then love me not for the one worthy of my love shall love me for what everything I am.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I still see you in flashes in between my reveries and dreams. Last night, I again revisited those days or rather those days visited me in the wake of sleeplessness and you stay so much as before as an unfulfilled desire in my being.

For so long, I refrained from mentioning you in my writings but here I am making careless confessions all about you and everything else.